Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 5 - At sea (14 November 2010)

"Table 51"(2nd sitting, Florentine dining room) is starting to become famous. We are 10 singles from 40 to 87, and we are leading the way to be the loudest group on board the ship. Most of us went to the "Tribute" show and we were still three a 1am at the Wheelhouse Bar last night.

A normal sea day routine: I had my breakfast in bed watching our new Cruise Director, Mark Turner, on the Wake Show. I missed fruit carving, but succeeded to catch up at Trivia, followed by Line Dancing with my new Moo Brew T-Shirt "Not suitable for bogans" !

I had the time of my life following Ruth and Gerry's East Coast Swing Dance Class, having the privilege to keep our Brazilian instructor for partner. Thanks Nat!

More Portraits opportunities tonight and I am proud to have stolen the polystyrene anchor in the window of the shop to bring to the photo shoot. Probably too light to stop the ship when thrown overboard, I did return it!

5 of the "Table 51" celebrities finished once again at the wheelhouse bar, dancing until midnight.